On 4.3.2014. 23:19, François Suter wrote:
Hi Pero,

There are rules to follow for manuals to be rendered correctly. If
documentation is based on reStructuredText, it is expected either to be
a full structure beginning with Documentation/Index.rst, or a single
file at the root of the extension called README.rst. If based on
OpenOffice, it must be located in doc/manual.sxw.

Any other combination will not work.


I checked that one recently, it uses Documentation/manual.sxw, which
will not work.


This one has a README.md (not .rst) and only a couple of image files in
Documentation. This does not work either.

What is wrong, though, is that the TER should not have a link to a
documentation that cannot be rendered. I'm not entirely sure, but I
think it bases itself on a file provided by docs.typo3.org (at least I
know we provide one, but I'm not sure if the TER uses it), so it may be
our file that is wrong.

So you're right that there's something to dig into.

So what i wanted in first place was to see what is this FLUID that everybody is speaking about. Everywhere u go FLUID this FLUID that.. And everywhere u go there is no normal explanation WTF is this in fact. I go to beginners guide, to offical site, i go to 10 sites and they speak about functions, viewhelpers bla bla bla. Then i decided to see documentation for Flux extension and i get 404. I was really WTF is wrong with all this!? And then after 3h i found one site with some fluid template tutorial and finaly saw wtf is FLUID. So everyone of you that is like me - FLUID is fckin wanna be copy of PHP Smarty template engine if u know what's that. If you don't know then just google smarty instead of FLUID and u'll know. Sorry i had to write this, it was so frustrating searching for some simple info..


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