
On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 01:49:47PM +0100, Filip Žaludek wrote:
> Hello,
>  change seems to be unfriendly to RPi3B+, it allows to enter 'U-Boot>' shell 
> but usb keyboard
> does not respond. Keyboard is detected by 'usb info' in v2023.01-rc3, not in 
> v2022.10.
> When reverted, usb keyboard works as expected.
> Anybody sitting front of RPi3B+ care to confirm?

For me an USB keyboard connected to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ is only detected
when something is typed during the probe.

The message

usb_kbd usb_kbd: Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint

is a sign of nothing typed on the keyboard and then it does not work.

It is limitation of the dwc2 hardware with hardwired USB hub.

Same on both v2022.10 & v2023.01 rpiarm64 and rpi_3 configs.



> Regards,
> Filip
> Patch:
> https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/commit/96991e652f541323a03c5b7e075d54a117091618
> Debug:
> USB KBD: found interrupt EP: 0x81
> USB KBD: set boot protocol
> dwc2_submit_control_msg: dev='usb@7e980000', udev=000000003af4be00,
> udev->dev='usb_kbd', portnr=3
> USB KBD: set idle interval...
> dwc2_submit_control_msg: dev='usb@7e980000', udev=000000003af4be00,
> udev->dev='usb_kbd', portnr=3
> USB KBD: enable interrupt pipe...
> usb_kbd usb_kbd: Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint
> Tested:
> SW: v2022.10 & v2023.01-rc3 compiled from sources as 'rpiarm64'
> HW: USB 1.1 and 2.0 keyboards, RPi3B+
> JeOS:
> http://download.opensuse.org/ports/aarch64/tumbleweed/appliances/openSUSE-Tumbleweed-ARM-JeOS-raspberrypi.aarch64-2022.10.11-Snapshot20221112.raw.xz
> (u-boot-rpiarm64-2022.10-1.1.aarch64)

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