I am still doing some testing and just added a fix today so that if a flash 
chip that supports both 8 and 16-bits is on an 8-bit bus the interface is set 
to 8-bits. I'll try and get patches out next week.

So far it's working fairly well on all of our boards, most of which have an 8-
bit bus but one has a 16-bit bus. I had to change all of the defined addresses 
for AMD parts and calculate the 16 and 32-bit addresses by applying a mask.

The CFI code *should* work if there's an 8-bit part on a 16-bit bus, but it 
probably will not support two 8-bit parts in parallel. That should be doable 
with some work.


On Thursday, March 24, 2011 09:59:07 AM Rogan Dawes wrote:
> On 2011/03/24 5:07 AM, Aaron Williams wrote:
> > I have it working on our 8-bit boards properly now, though I've only done
> > some limited testing.
> > 
> > I basically put in the correct addresses into cfi_flash.h and updated
> > various addresses for 8-bit support. The problem was that the CFI code
> > was written using the 16-bit addresses which don't work for an 8-bit
> > bus.
> > 
> > I added a mask which is used to calculate the correct address for 16 and
> > 32- bit busses. I have only been able to test with 8-bit and 16-bit
> > Spansion devices though.
> > 
> > -Aaron
> Hi Aaron,
> I'm happy to test it, when you post the patch.
> Regards,
> Rogan
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