Just a thought; does FIELDS work?  I doubt that version 1 will work, but version 2 
certainly will.

Version 1
FIELDS(dynarray, @VM, 3, 1)

Version 2
FIELDS(CONVERT(@VM,"|",dynarray), "|", 3, 1)

----- Original Message -----
From: Barry Brevik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:40:54 -0700
To: "U2-users (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [U2] [UV] How to return 'column' from dyn array?

> I just realized that there seems to be no function for the following
> situation. Given the dynamic array:
> 10 @vm 20 @vm 30 @FM 11 @vm 21 @vm 31 @FM 12 @vm 22 @vm 32
> ...I look at this as the fields being records, or rows, and the values being
> columns. I'd like a function that returns a dynamic array of just column 3,
> that is '30', '31' and '32'.
> Am I making sense? Is there something in UV basic that does this?
> Barry
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