Has anyone successfully used an ODBC driver from any vendor to connect from UV on RedHat AS 3.0 or RedHat 9.0 to MS SQL 2000? I'm running UV 10.1.4 on RH AS 3.0. I've attempted using drivers from OpenLink and DataDirect with no success. The OpenLink drivers don't work at all within UV, though they work fine directly from linux. This is the error I get:

Enter username for connecting to 'goldmine' DBMS [root]: sa
Enter password for sa:
SQLConnect error:   Status = -1   SQLState = IM003   Natcode = 0
[ODBC] [iODBC][Driver Manager]Specified driver could not be loaded
Invalid parameter(s) found in configuration file

The DataDirect drivers also work fine directly from linux, and from UV - but only as root. I can't even launch UV as a non-root user once /.uvlibs points to the DataDirect drivers. I get this error:

uv: error while loading shared libraries: libodbcinst.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It's as if UV is resetting a necessary environment variable and the driver manager no longer knows how to get to the directory where the drivers are. When I execute ENV from within UV as root, everything necessary is there (ODBCINI, LD_LIBRARY_PATH). The environment variables also check out within UV when I'm using the OpenLink drivers.

I discovered that I could use the OpenLink driver if I copied over the driver manager from the previous release (5.0 vs. 5.1), which is only supposed to be used on RH versions prior to AS 3.0 or 9.0 which have glibc 2.1 instead of glibc 2.3. This let me connect from within UV, and appeared to be stable, but I later discovered it broke UniObjects for java connections. I started getting the following errors in the unirpcd log file each time a UOJ connection was attempted:

Abnormal termination of UniVerse.
Fault type is 11.  Layer type is Unknown.

Seems the ODBC driver manager gets loaded anytime any UV process is started, and UOJ doesn't like launching something written for the wrong glibc version.

Any suggestions for a workaround or another driver to try would be greatly appreciated.

John Hester
System & Network Administrator
Momentum Group Inc.
(949) 833-8886 x623
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