I forget if there is a separate group for this product.  If so, sorry.
However, my problem is this;

I am evaluating the wIntegrate product.  One of the uses that we have for
this is the query builder/report viewer.  We have a person who used to
tinker at the command line.  We have long since pulled the plug on this kind
of thing, because they did some 'bad things'.  However, it is nice to let
them have the ability to query the data (after all it is theirs).  So, it
seems wIntegrate can do this for us.  My problem is that you need to be at a
command line to allow wIntegrate to operate.  So, we're back to square one -
user at the command line.

Our system is based on standard Universe menus.  Is there a way to add a
menu option (or create a VOC) that will allow the user to 'mess' with query
builder, etc  ?  I have tried adding WIN.SERVER as a menu option.  However,
this half works.  I created a simple query and tried to put it to the report
writer and it times out, because the WIN.SERVER closes.  If I send it to the
screen, it works ok.

Any workarounds to this ?

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