List UV_USERS to find the initially configured administrator user. On our system it is "uvsql". I'm not sure if that is a standard or something that we setup. At any rate, if you haven't done anything with SQL, there should only be one user in there, but you are looking for someone with DBAuth privelege. Once logged in as this user, you should be able to grant CONNECT to whoever. See the Universe SQL reference (under the GRANT command) for details on priveleges required for different operations.

Bob Woodward wrote:

Hi folks.

I'm trying to get my feet wet with SQL and I've got what seems like a
simple question to ask but one that is proving to be rather difficult to
find an answer to.  I'm wanting to issue a CREATE SCHEMA command but
when I do I get an error message that I'm not an SQL user.  How do I go
about setting myself up as an SQL user?  I'm logged into our domain and
my UID is in the Administrators group so I should have rights to just
about everything.

The environment is Win2003 server, UV 10.1.3.

I've searched FAQ's, PDF's, DOC's, websites, Google and still am having
no luck finding anything that tells me how to set myself up as an SQL
user.  Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

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