A large Universe user has a public web site maintained with Domino
Designer.  They are looking for the best way to create a B2B/B2C portal
which allows their trading partners to login and get status info from their
Universe app.  Data includes delivery status, open invoices, etc.  Of their
several thousand clients, they expect about 40 companies to actively use
the interface on a daily, 24 hour basis.

Pertinent technologies: They have WebSphere but they are not a Java shop
per-se.  Their site serves up .NSF pages but they are not real pros with
Domino Designer.  They do not have RedBack.  They do not use SB+ or any
other 4GL RAD.  They are not using any other connectivity components.  They
are concerned about security issues and are leery of Microsoft/IIS but they
have no problem with .NET behind a secured login, so access to these new
pages would be restricted through an NSF login page, but any technology
behind that is open for discussion.

I understand Domino Designer has a DCE interface to Universe but I'm not
familiar with it (and not particularly fond of DCE if that's a traditional
DCE connection).  I'm currently considering ASP.NET pages connecting to uv
via UO.NET or mv.NET.  This would allow a lot of freedom for expansion to
support Web Services, access by smart devices, etc..  I'm also considering
DesignBais, which connects via UO and is excellent for this sort of
intranet/extranet interface, as well as being friendly for end-user
developers who are not familiar with .NET.  I don't want the end-user to be
locked into technology that they don't understand or make them dependent on
consultants, so a solution that they can learn quickly and maintain on
their own (like DesignBais) would be ideal in this regard.  Those are my
personal choices but my mind is open for opinions from people with a better
understanding of this Lotus/Domino/WebSphere environment.

I'm looking for someone who is familiar with this sort of environment and
suggestions for a best approach.  What is the DCE connection to Universe,
where does it come from, and are there any docs available?  Can anyone
recommend a more direct connectivity method that a user of Domino Designer
can use without involving .NET or third party tools?

Any other suggestions and offers for services welcome.

Tony Gravagno, Nebula Research and Development
TG @ removethisNebula-RnD
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