I like the sounds of this type of data security.

I'm still kind of new with VB.NET and UniObjects, but have a healthy concern 
for security.  

Could someone please answer this for me:
How can you pull data from a U2 file, via UniObjects, manipulate it in VB.NET, 
and write it back to the file, via UniObjects, via stored procedures, and 
without directly accessing the files from UniObjects?  I'm just looking for 
basic general info, but if you happen to have code snippets, too, that would be 
greatly appreciated.  I'm having trouble envisioning how this works.

Thanks, in advance!
- Dave

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David Jordan
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 8:58 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] access via disabled accounts (solution)

<< Within UniVerse you can do the same thing.  You can restrict user read,
 write, delete access to the database either setting OS level file access or
 by SQL security access.  With the AUTHORIZE statement, you can allow
 subroutines to have a different access rights.  Thus from UniObects one can
 only access the database through subroutines and they cannot do anything
 else. >>

<<Could you explain a little more fully how you do this?
Will Johnson>>

Within UniVerse Basic is an AUTHORIZE Statement which allows you to give the
program different access rights to the user running the program. Ie
        AUTHORIZE "Administrator"
This would give the program the access rights of Administrator at SQL
security or OS file security level.  The program has to be compiled by the
user who the authorize statement will adopt as user rights ie the example
above would have to be compiled by Administrator.

AUTHORIZE "Administrator"

User Joe has no access rights to the UniVerse data files either by setting
OS file level security or by not GRANTing access if SQL level security

IF Joe did ED TEST 123 the system would not grant him access
But if Joe runs the program TEST it would write the record to TEST file.


David Jordan
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