> From: Marc Harbeson
> What about an index on an I-DESC?  (Does universe do that?)

Virtual attribute is another name for I-descriptor, UniData's term

See Scott Ballinger's earlier post on thist thread & here is a repost of
part of my own answer:

> From: Stevenson, Charles
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:21 PM
> > Does U2 support indexing
> > virtual fields, ie DATE.CUST? I don't think D3 can.
> Absolutely!  Virtual fields & correlatives, too.
> The only caveat is do NOT index on any calculation where the 
> answer depends on anything other than the exact record being 
> updated.  The archtypical bad example would be TRANS() & 
> T-correlatives.  The system allows it,  but you are asking 
> for corruption.
> cds
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