We have made some changes to the mailing list configuration files in an
attempt to reduce some of the problems we have been experiencing these past
few days.

There have been two primary problems (one of which has resulted in old mail
getting reposted to the list several days after it was originally posted).

The first problem, which I know EVERYONE has seen first hand is the
proliferation of "out of the office" replies to the list from brain-dead
mailers.  The other problem is that we have been seeing an inordinately
large number of bounce messages from various smtp servers indicating that
mail could not be delivered due to too many hops, indicating a "mail loop".
A common cause of mail loops is smtp servers that don't understand the
difference between an envelope address and a 'reply-to' address.

To alleviate these problems, we have made a change to the configuration of
all of the u2ug hosted mailing lists (u2-users, u2-community, rbsolutions
and sbsolutions, and all of their digests) to remove the 'reply-to' header
from all outgoing list messages.

What does this mean to you?  It means this:

* If you click 'reply' to respond to a list message, your response will go
ONLY to the original sender of the message.  

* If you click 'reply to ALL', your reply will go to BOTH the original
sender AND back to the list.  

This means that you will need to pay a little more attention to how you
reply to messages.  It also means that you may end up receiving two copies
of responses to any message you post: one from the list, and one directly
from the responder.

This also means that 'out of office' replies should be sent ONLY to the the
originator of any given messages, NOT back to the list.  The more you post
to the list, the more you'll hear from Mr. Cashman ;-)

We apologize for any confusion this may cause, but we felt it was necessary,
and a reasonable trade-off to help alleviate the other issues.


Larry Hiscock
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/

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