I'm looking into the possibility of using a scanner to record images
of cards customers fill out for archival and retrieval usage and not
have to save the original card.

For ease of use, the stand-type scanners look like the best option
for speed, put the card down, it "takes" a picture/scan.

I have not been able to find any of these however online for comparison.

Does anyone on this list use them? Cost is an issue, anything more than
$1000 "range" would not fit well with the project. OCR is not needed
just the image.

I considered trying to rig up a 4mp digital camera with the computer
pulling the image directly from the camera's memory card, but I'm not
sure if the camera I have to play with will function while the computer
has access to the card.


George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220

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