On 3/16/06, Mike Preece <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been holding back from putting this question, in the hope that the
> initiative might come from within U2UG, but it seems high time...

Many, including both Clif and me, were vocal about this change
immediately.  I have seen changes like this turn a list that has good
discussions to a list of questions with few answers posted back.  It
is very frustrating to do a search, find your exact question, and see
none of the fine responses that the original poster received

> What do people think of the idea of moving this list to a google group
> instead?

I would be all for it.  I think it would help with both the
conversation and the archiving / searching into the future, although
we would want to retain the current archives for past conversations.

> We'd lose nothing btw - in that we could all send and receive emails to/from
> the list - or post and read messages online without any emails, and we'd
> have access to recent posts and, in time, archives, in the same way as for a
> news group.
> How many of you have not used a google group or a usenet group with a google
> interface?

I find google groups very easy to use.

> Of those that are familiar with google groups - is there anything this list
> provides that they don't?
> Maybe someone at U2UG could put a survey up on the U2UG web-site to get some
> numbers for responses to these and similar questions.

Such a move would get my vote.  Cheers!  --dawn

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

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