Hi Dawn

Just a brief response to your posting.

Being based in South Africa, where we sometimes seem to feel like the
lost children of the U2 community, we tend to get the opposite feeling
to what you are putting across.

We recently had Susie Siegesmund out here in South Africa and part of
the reason for her visit was to help promote the growth of the local U2
market. She has in the past been very instrumental in assisting us in
this and still shows a huge commitment to doing so. This has
particularly been in the small user end of the market.

I do feel that where the problem may come in is in the lack of knowledge
by the rest of IBM about the U2 products and that they therefore tend to
push people towards something they know.

I feel the Incubator Program is a very good idea, and although IBM may
have legal issues to work around, I do not see them being
insurmountable, but rather, based on my previous experience with the IBM
U2 team, would expect them to assist as much as possible.

Kurt Neumann 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dawn Wolthuis
Sent: 11 May 2007 08:28 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] Incubator - News from the board

On 5/10/07, Dave Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chuck,
> <Stepping up on my soap box>

I suspect I'll end up on mine before this post is done, so I might as
well say so up front too.
I have no reason to believe that IBM is eager to attract end-customers
(non-VARs) to U2 and almost as little reason to believe that they want
to put any effort into attracting new VARs.  Even those converting
from other Pick vendors (D3, jBASE, Revelation, OpenQM, UniVision)
might be of only ho-hum interest unless they are huge (and I think IBM
knows whether they have most of the huge ones already or not).

So, if the U2UG is trying to address any of those audiences, I am not
at all convinced that the support needed to "close the deal" with
anyone downloading the PE edition, however souped up it might be, will
be there.
There are no magazines I read that have Ads for IBM products,
including DB2, that give me any hint that IBM would like me to use U2
for any new projects (others might be seeing such advertising, but it
isn't in front of me). I made the decision not to beg IBM to market to
So, if the U2UG is going to do something very cool like what has been
suggested for this Incubator, you might also want to know who it is
that IBM is passionate about bringing into the U2 fold. I suspect,
unless I see evidence to the contrary, that their target group, the
group for which they will spend money, are the prospective customers
of existing VARs, with their investments being in existing VARs,
period (or very close to "period"). Those are not, in general, folks
who need the PE edition as a sales tool--their VAR will get it all
working for them.
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