I used to keep ALL dictionaries in a "Dictionary Dict" account.
In the Development environment, all developers had all access levels.
In the LIVE environment, only 3-4 "trustees" had unix WRITE permissions to
this account.
Everyone else (Users & Developers) had Read & Execute only.

I maintained the dictionaries with a custom built VB/Objects front-end so
that all fields & definitions were available to developers - the only button
that did not work was "SAVE CHANGES" (except for The Few, of course). The
"Create File" option, automatically placed the DICT file in the Dictionary
Account - so the DBA never had to fiddle around with pointers.

One advantage of this approach is consistency, so that we never had to deal
with the same field on say 3 files with 3 different names (eg. Product.Id,
Prod.Code, Stock.No) - because Tom, Dick and Harry never talked. We picked a
name and added a textual definition only ONCE, and the next time it was used
in a different file, much of the info was already there.

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