<quote who='Jon Wells' date='Thursday 21 June 2007'>
> Hi all,
> Earlier this week I set out to replace a test account with a fresh
> copy of the live account (Unidata 6.1 on AIX 5.1).  The Live account
> had grown more then I had anticipated and I found myself with a
> max'ed out "/test" file system.  While preparing to restore from
> tape, we found we had a bad disc.  We had another disc from a
> decommissioned box, created a new /test file system, and restored
> from tape there.  The problem is I can not get to the colon prompt
> unless I'm logged in as root.  I tried stripping the LOGIN paragraph
> down to just a couple of UDT.OPTIONS commands along with a DISPLAY
> statement so I can tell if the LOGIN paragraph was even run.
> 464
> datatel>udt
> --------------------------------
> /test/coltest
> Can't get current working directory.
> It did not run the LOGIN paragraph???
> We're not sure what else to look at.  The system was rebooted this
> morning.  The startud logs look fine.  Looks like all permissions
> were preserved.
> Any suggestions?

When you readded the new disk and (presumably) recreated the /test filesystem 
on the new disk set, who owns it?

We run everything under /datatel and ran out of space, so added a /datatel2 
partition for a new account.  I too did not realize when I created /datatel2 
it was owned by root.  You need to check ownerships on /test with the 
filesystem for /test NOT mounted.

Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
Administrative Systems
Hampshire College

"We don't have a lot of rules, but that's Hampshire..."
                                   Bobbie Stuart
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