
Please make sure your DICTionaries are accurate and reflect the date.

All Single values should be described as S, all Multi-Values should be
described as MVs and all sub-values should be described as MS

All associated MV and MS should be in Phrases - ideally all unassociated MVs
should have their own PHrase.

Don't have DICTionary entries you don't want (makes both speed and VSG so
much easier - "Add All.....").

I set up a separate account for ODBC access (by group of users) with
separate DICTionaries for ODBC accessible files and pointers to the live
data level (only) files. Create you DICTionary entries here, not in the live
dictionary file (unless you are VERY unusual and only have "clean"
dictionaries (I've never seen it....).

All names should be SQL compatible (no periods or "@"s, etc - VSG will do
this for you but again I like to have control).

If you change the dictionary drop the schema first and then recreate it
afterwards. Save the SQL used to create each schema from VSG - put it in
paragraphs in case of need.

Create all schemas using a HAT (functional user) not an individual user
name. Whoever creates them owns them - and you do not want that user id



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Butera

We may embark down the ODBC connectivity path with Unidata (7.1.8 on
solaris 9).  My understanding is that I need to get the UniData clients
toolkit and, in particular:  UniODBC, the UniDK developer's Toolkit, and
the Visual Schema Generator.

Can anyone confirm this, and how/where I obtain these downloads if I
already have a licensed Unidata product (yes, I have serial number,
etc).  All I've found on the IBM website is trials/demos.


Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
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