On 8/9/07, Womack, Adrian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just one thing to be aware of: SSELECT implies "BY @ID" so the "BY @ID"
> in your statement is redundant.

Adrian, I don't think that is correct (at least for UV). The implied  "BY
@ID" sort is always the last sort performed, e.g. "SORT MYFILE BY THING1 BY
THING2 BY @ID", so "BY @ID BY-EXP THING1" is most definitely not the same as
just "BY-EXP THING1". What you get by sorting BY @ID then BY-EXP is the
sorted mv field within each @ID, much like just sorting the file and listing
the mv THING1 field (except that the THING1 field is sorted by within each

However, since you are still turning the entire file and sorting it (whether
by the @ID or a mv field) I doubt that the SORT BY @ID BY-EXP is materially
faster than the plain SORT BY-EXP.

Also, my quick test indicates that when you SELECT BY-EXP, the BY-EXP
implies a sort, and the results are the same as SSELECT BY-EXP.

/Scott Ballinger
Pareto Corporation
Edmonds WA USA
206 713 6006
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