Duplicating data in the way you suggest is something I detest! The chance of
mis-typing the name the second time is just too great and then there is all
that extra disk space consumed.

I would prefer to see the names, as typed, stored in one attribute. I would
then use a virtual field (is that the right term in Unidata?) to extract the
data in upper case. I am more familiar with Universe, and the corresponding
data definition and I-descriptor would look like this:


SELECTed record name = "NAME.INPUT".
6 lines long.
----: P
0001: D
0002: 1
0004: Name (as input)
0005: 30L
0006: M
Bottom at line 6.
----: N

SELECTed record name = "NAME.SORT".
This is a Type "I" Descriptor last compiled on 08/24/07 at 17:12.
20 lines long.
----: P7
0001: I
0004: Name (for sorting)
0005: 30L
0006: M
----: X

I'm sure there must be an equivalent in Unidata and someone smarter than I
can explain it better.

Derek Falkner
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Wolverton
Sent: August 24, 2007 1:51 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: [U2] [ud] Question on Alpha Sorting...

I have a need to sort people by LastName,FirstName.

The issue is that we 'accept' data from lots of sources, some that are
ProperCapped, some that are all lower, AND SOME THAT ARE ALL UPPER.

I need to 'present' them correctly sorted, but show the data 'as it is'

The record currently contains a MV list of the names 'as is' -- there could
500 names in the list.

My way of handing it (now) is to open a New attribute that I put a 'ALL
CAPS' version of the Name into, and then each insert, I so a LOCATE BY 'AL'
into the new attribute, and insert the 'SORTNAME' into the new attribute,
and the 'as TyPed NAme' as always - just now, we're not using the 'as typed'
for the sort.

My issue ... I've doubled the data being stored in order to accomplish this!
Is there a more elegant, logical way to handle this issue besides having a
'SortName' attribute and an 'AsTyped' attribute in the record?

Thanks for any thoughts for this Friday afternoon mind-tease!  (Ah ... I
miss D3's case insensitivity from time to time!!)

David W.
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