
Create a virtual dictionary that upper cases the name.  Then you sort by the 
but display the normal name.  This works for me.


>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David 
>Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 10:51 AM
>To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
>Subject: [U2] [ud] Question on Alpha Sorting...
>I have a need to sort people by LastName,FirstName.
>The issue is that we 'accept' data from lots of sources, some that are
>ProperCapped, some that are all lower, AND SOME THAT ARE ALL UPPER.
>I need to 'present' them correctly sorted, but show the data 'as it is'
>The record currently contains a MV list of the names 'as is' -- there could
>500 names in the list.
>My way of handing it (now) is to open a New attribute that I put a 'ALL
>CAPS' version of the Name into, and then each insert, I so a LOCATE BY 'AL'
>into the new attribute, and insert the 'SORTNAME' into the new attribute,
>and the 'as TyPed NAme' as always - just now, we're not using the 'as typed'
>for the sort.
>My issue ... I've doubled the data being stored in order to accomplish this!
>Is there a more elegant, logical way to handle this issue besides having a
>'SortName' attribute and an 'AsTyped' attribute in the record?
>Thanks for any thoughts for this Friday afternoon mind-tease!  (Ah ... I
>miss D3's case insensitivity from time to time!!)
>David W.
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