I see where you're coming from, but I'd steer you away from that
approach for a few reasons:

1)  Even if a file isn't badly in need, you'd like to have it run
through the FAST Gather Statistics process -- that checks the file for
integrity, makes sure it is not damaged and creates a descriptive record
in the FAST database so that the file is included in reports, etc.

2)  "All groups being in overflow to the 200% level" isn't a valid rule
to determine whether a file needs resizing.  It quite common to see
files with quite a few groups either empty or sparsely populated while
many other groups are badly in overflow.  This becomes especially
apparent if an inappropriate file type is in use or if the file doesn't
hash well.

3)  Why reinvent the wheel when you already have FAST which is pretty
intelligent about determining if the file needs resizing?

We have just completed a new release of FAST, release 6.  It has a
feature that will help your situation.  Our expert mode executable,
fastbatch, has a new option "-acct xxx" -- xxx can be an account
pathname or the name of a list of accounts.  FAST will, at run time,
create a dynamic list of all hashed files in the account(s) and process
them.  This allows you to run the Gather Statistics and Type Analysis
processes and make sure any new files are picked up.  Then after
reviewing the FAST recommendations you can either resize according to
FAST's recommendations or override / modify as you wish.

Assuming your maintenance agreement with us is current you can order the
upgrade to the new release via our website at no charge.

If you don't think this will work for you, let me know via private email
and I'll try to further assist if I can.

Jeff Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald & Long, Inc.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Koca
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:31 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] UV - Files Stats Question

We create new files from time to time, and forget to add them to FAST to
resized. We are planning to look at the files in an account, and if all
group are at 200 % and the file is not currently being review by FAST,
it to the FAST files for resizing.

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