> can you tell me where FAST keeps the list of files under its control ?

There should be a universe account called fastcs. 
FAST.STATS is its main interesting file you should become familiar with.

Where the fastcs directory resides is up to you.  For me, it is a sister
of the universe home dir.   In other words, when I do LIST UV.ACCOUNT I

LIST UV.ACCOUNT 05:44:11pm  26 Aug 2007  PAGE    1
Account...  UNIX pathname.........

uv          /dbms/uv
fastcs      /dbms/fastcs

List the FAST.STATS dictionary and then write your own queries.
The key to FAST.STATS is the pathname.

There are ancillary control files like FAST.LISTS, FAST.SESSIONS, etc..
You'll figure it out once you start looking.

One complaint I have with FAST is that it doesn't keep history.
I want to see where a file has been and where it is going,  so after I
run my weekly "Gather Stats",  I copy each newly updated FAST.STATS
record to my own FAST.STATS.HIST where the key is
[idate]*[fast.statsID(i.e.,path)].  Indexed on date, path, filename.

Then I can look at how a file is changing over time (number of data
bytes, items, etc.).
I and my comrades have found that useful not just in sizing but in
application analysis & research.
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