
        Cyber-spanking accepted!  I offer my apologies if I seemed to be
making a sales pitch (which I hadn't intended).

        However, since the original poster asked specific questions
about a product it didn't seem particularly out of line to answer them.
Your judgment of my post is "touting" -- my intent was to offer a
helpful answer to a question.  Perhaps I should have answered by private
email, but I didn't since the poster chose to raise the issue in the

        Just as you could have delivered your admonishment by private
email you chose not to; presumably because others might benefit from
exposure to the list guidelines.  I hoped my answering Jim's question on
the list might be helpful to other list members, many of whom are FAST
users.  And I did suggest to him that a continuation of the discussion
be done via private email.

        My company is not particularly marketing oriented.  I think if
you examine my postings to the list and its predecessors you will find
the "signal to noise" ratio to be pretty high.  

        But, all that said, I will try very hard to follow the list
guidelines.  Would you like the [AD] - [AD\] brackets in the subject
line so that offended list members can filter or hit the delete key or
would you like them bracketing the sections of the message body that
could be judged as "touting" a product?

Thanks for your feedback!

Jeff Fitzgerald

[AD] [AD\]


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Moderator
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] UV - Files Stats Question

    [AD] brackets [AD\] are required, even when just trying to be 
helpful, once you start touting the usage and features of a commercial 

     - Charles Barouch, Moderator

Jeff Fitzgerald wrote:
> 3)  Why reinvent the wheel when you already have FAST which is pretty
> intelligent about determining if the file needs resizing?
> We have just completed a new release of FAST, release 6.  It has a
> feature that will help your situation.  Our expert mode executable,
> fastbatch, has a new option "-acct xxx" -- xxx can be an account
> pathname or the name of a list of accounts.  FAST will, at run time,
> create a dynamic list of all hashed files in the account(s) and
> them.  This allows you to run the Gather Statistics and Type Analysis
> processes and make sure any new files are picked up.  Then after
> reviewing the FAST recommendations you can either resize according to
> FAST's recommendations or override / modify as you wish.
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