We started out the same way, but eventually re-wrote our program for displaying report info so that it works from a file using READSEQ (if an array is passed in, it temporarily saves it as a record in a DIR-type file). We tried a few different methods, but found that reading in each screen's worth of data as needed was easily fast enough to keep up with users -- even when scrolling one line at a time.

David Beahm

Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 20:24:29 -0700
From: "Bill Haskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [U2] UD: Variable size

I run a screen scrolling program that builds a report as a BASIC variable then
scrolls it to screen one page at a time.  I recently ran into a condition where 
size of the report, in the internal BASIC variable, gets so large that UD 
and the telnet session aborts.  It's not the data, it's the size of the internal
BASIC variable.  There are several thousand pages.
Does anyone know of a UniData configuration variable, or environment variable, I can
set to increase the size of an internal BASIC variable?
Thanks, Bill
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