From: Charles Barouch
> Unless you are already registered, Nabble replies bounce. I send out a
> of e-mails to peopl who get caught in the bounce filter because of
this and
> invite them to join. We get a lot of our newer members that way.

That means people know about the forum via Nabble and there is probably
a population that prefers that web-user interface over email.  This is

Chuck, is this the source of some of those messages you sometimes post
"on behalf of non-list-members"?

Maybe we need an option to subscribe, but not receive either digest or
individual posts,  but that would allow people to post via Nabble. 

I'm still not sure how we got in bed with Nabble, or rather, how they
crawled in bed with us.  What are they doing under the covers!  Hey, who
else are we sleeping with?  Google?  Yahoo?

Chuck S
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