Try the info on this link:


Baker Hughes wrote:
Hey y'all,

A couple of us are trying to help a new UV site nearby get a copy of PE
going for a development machine.

This is the same issue that Charles B. first introduced some weeks back.

I took a look at the IBM Thinkpad last night. Here is the skinny.

OS is XPpro.

He has un-installed and re-installed PE-UV 10.2 with same results:

UniVerse will start when machine boots, but not telnet.  When you
attempt to start manually, you get Telnet error 1067.

We looked in system.Ini to see if anything is actually bound to port 23
- nothing appears to be.
He also ran TCPview to see if anything is listening on port 23 -

We thought of changing the telnet port from 23 to something else, but
when we try to start UniAdmin we get an RPC error.
He checked the windows event log and it records the UV telnet service
not starting with an error "WSA Error 10038".

These folks are extremely happy with UniVerse and the application that
is helping grow their business.
PE offers the best option for their getting more familiar with UV and
speeding future development.
Please help.

The right answer will make you guest of honor at the next TEXMUG meeting
Nov 1 (free meal!)[travel not included ;-) ]

Sincere thanks,
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