> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Baker Hughes
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:20 AM
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: RE: [U2] Fastest Bi-Directional data transfer btwn MV and non-MV
> dbms
> Ross,
> Yes, there is a real-world application to the question, at least one
> where I may try to 'sell' the solution after the theory is worked out.
> 3 Different systems play with the same live Inventory of products: a
> UniVerse based OLTP, a MS SQL db based web-order portal, and a Warehouse
> Control System which fills the orders and receives stock. At night we
> batch the daily stock receipts from WCS up to UniVerse, update the Avail
> to Sell qty for the OLTP and allocate Order Reserve Qty to backorders.
> Then UV sends the updated ATS to the web database (which is always 24
> hours behind).


  You always get the good ones, doncha? What does the warehouse control
system use as a database? How many different O/S are we looking at here? The
first idea that comes to mind is transactional queuing and inspection. A
FIFO updating situation will not work, since you have logic that is updating
data on all sides of the triangle, potentially at the same time. You need
all 3 facets of the system to contact and update a single data store. I
would recommend either another MS SQL server or a MySQL server. With UV, you
can access SQL tables as MV files, right?(MV triggers to update SQL maybe)
Can you get the warehouse control system to read/write from that SQL
database, too? As far as MS SQL, is there a reason that will prevent you
from linking the existing MS SQL table structures to a central data store
that will contain the (moved) data?

   I don't think you're going to get out of this without some major internal
tweaking, data relocation, and application code changes.

> Ross has asked the most astute question in all this, that of data
> collisions, where the same product is updated on 2 or 3 sides at once.
> This is perhaps the question that looms largest and keeps people (like
> us) in batch mode rather than real-time.

  You should ask Ross how he managed to get live data replication working
with D3. <g> 


Glen Batchelor
IT Director
All-Spec Industries
 phone: (910) 332-0424
   fax: (910) 763-5664
   Web: http://www.all-spec.com
  Blog: http://blog.all-spec.com
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