> Well, I was actually only tasked with making the ATS more real time for
> our Asia sales office. Since they're entering orders during our night,
> they always get the short end of the stick, ATS may or may not be right;
> the batch updates are all timed/tuned for US timezone (and work pretty
> accurately heretofore).  Anyway... we all hate partial solutions ... so
> one gets to contemplating, and one thing leads to another.  I don't have
> enough clout around here to convince them to add yet another data store
> to their enterprise, but I agree with you - you must establish
> referential integrity to go real time with this cluster.  UniVerse is
> presently the quasi-reference point [UniVerse is the center of our world
> - figure that out isaac asimov], but it's only perfectly accurate once a
> day.

 OK. So use the existing MS SQL server as your reference point. You don't
_have_ to put another data store in the mix. I'm definately no SQL expert,
but can't SQL views and stored procedures be used to blend tables and
provide the proper updating and reference paths/points for the UV and the
ISAM DB by themselves? The suggestion of the additional MySQL/MS SQL server
was to serve as a live multi-point data store, but now that I think about it
you would be able to get the same results with what you have.

> Answers to your questions:
> a) WCS uses an ISAM db
> b) Unix & Windows
> I like your solution to the puzzle Glen. ... clear thinking as always.
> rgds,
> -Baker

  Thanks, I'm glad that you actually understood what I typed. I'm not known
for clarity in my postings. <g>

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