
The site you want to access may be using either cookies, form variables, or both for user authentication. In order to use curl, wget, or any other programmatic retrieval, you will need to understand what exactly needs to be passed back and forth between the client and the website.

I suggest getting FireFox (if you do not have it already) and installing one of the free plug-ins that displays the http content headers and responses. You can then log into the site and retrieve the data manually, while logging any cookies, session ids, and the like. You will then be prepared to create the curl scripts for automating the retrieval.

I suspect that your script will have to mimic the user/password form request, get the cookies from the response, and pass them in the subsequent data request. I also suspect that the cookie will be set to expire once the session ends, so you will not be able to reuse it for the next request.

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