
Does anyone have any info/insights about good phonetic algorithms?

We are all very familiar perhaps with the Soundex, Metaphone or 
Double-Metaphone, but these were all designed for Latin/English language names. 
 The basic logic was patented in 1918.

Maybe some of our mates across the pond in the public sector, or even 
stateside, have devised algorithms that also work with Arabic language names, 
or other languages.

What are you other Distributors doing in this regard to not sell to anyone on 
the government's list of badguys, or prevent ITR or EAR products from getting 
into the wrong hands?  We have a pretty successful program in place in this 
regard but I'm looking to tighten our search capacity, and that means better 
phonetic algorithms.

For an example of a newer algorithm, here is the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex, 
designed for Slavic and Yiddish origin names.

Anyone that doesn't want to divulge your advances in this area on-list, email 
me off list.

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