> UDT.OPTIONS 91 always seemed backwards to me. If you're using the LIST
> syntax you would expect things in converted form - not the other way 
> It's easy enough to create dicts (or even list statements) without conv
> codes.

I agree that it seems backwards. My guess is that, when TO DELIM was 
implemented, it output it as raw, which is pretty much useless for most 
implementations.  So formatted output was added.  But, rather than change 
the default behavior (and possibly screwing up anybody that had built 
anything around the old behavior), UDT.OPTIONS 91 was added.  As we all 
know, changing behavior (even bad behavior) often causes more problems 
that it solves - not to mention much wailing and gnashing of teeth.  ;-)

Like I said, I'm just guessing.  But if you look at a lot of the 
UDT.OPTIONS, they seem backwards; I suspect it's all for the same reason.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist
U2 Lab Services
Information Management, IBM Software Group
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