To authenticate linux against Active Directory, look into PAM (pluggable 
authentication modules).

Just be careful - if you break PAM and don't have a backup, you then can't log 
in to your linux box!

I can't give any advice about PAM, my only attempt to use it failed, but I know 
that's how you're supposed to do it.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Norman Bauer
Sent: 28 January 2009 00:25
Subject: [U2] UV, Linux, and Active Directory

I am still learning UV, it's been a long three months of learning, but
I have to say that I really do like it. That being said, we run it on
Windows Server 2003. We recently tried to deploy it on Server 2008
which IBM says is possible in the docs. However it will not run on
Server 2008. My suggestion to my boss was to try running it on CentOS
5, when I was promptly rebuked for the idea. I was told that if we
were to do that our UV accounts could not authenticate against Active
Directory. And that may be somewhat tue given that our authentication
module was custom written.

How are you authenticating against AD on Linux? I would be very
interested in knowing, because I would love to move us off of UV for
Windows and run it on Linux because there is so much that I personaly
know that I can do running it on Linux that it takes major hoops to
pull of on Windows but is realatively trivial on Linux, like PDF
printing, Python scripting, Postgresql integration, Apache tricks,


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