I resemble that remark. Actually what I was trying to get at was the
education and marketing factors. I'm not trying to slam MS or any other
operating system. I think that all technology should be used for what it is
good at. The right technology for the right task. I just think that the
education these new programmers are getting has no depth. They're not being
told that what they are being taught may not be what they will encounter in
the business world.
A case in point is the new thread that just started with the subject:

[U2] Getting a graphical view of my data in UniVerse

Oh and one of these days you are going to be sitting in the same seat
talking about the good old days too, and someone is going to be telling you
that you're a dinosaur. It's not easy trying to keep up with the technology
and if your company isn't using it you tend to gravitate toward what they do

Jerry Banker

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-u2-us...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:owner-u2-us...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Mecki Foerthmann
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 2:23 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] UV to SAP migration disaster

I second that.

And don't forget those people who have been in the same company and the 
same office for over 20 years and still reminisce about the 'good old 
mainframe days'.
The first thing a new guy hears is, 'We don't like change here!'
Upgrading? Don't fix it if it ain't broke!
If you get a request, tell the requester that this is very difficult to 
do and could have all sorts of implications for the rest of the system.
Or even better, 'we can't make any changes because then we can't upgrade 
the software later, and therefore only the software vendor can make 
changes to the code.'
And of course at #1000 a day for their consultants it better be important.
If he or she still wants it, ignore it until they ask again.
If they don't, it obviously wasn't important enough anyway.
Users will find a way to solve their problems without IT, and in no time 
the whole business runs on spreadsheets because the stupid 'legacy' 
software is useless anyway.
And who's fault is that?

And then you get stupid software vendors who want to sell only their 
latest web-based, platform independent software product and tell 
management they will stop support for that old product soon and 
therefore they should rather not upgrade and buy their latest toy.

Or of course the old IT-manager retires and they hire a follower of the 
Church of Codd as replacement.

I've been around and seen it all.
It isn't always a PHB.

Symeon Breen wrote:
> There can also be blame at the coalface as well - I know many "pick" guys
> who really are dinosaurs and who bury their head in the sand if xml, web
> services, web access etc are mentioned ...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-u2-us...@listserver.u2ug.org
> [mailto:owner-u2-us...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Glenn Sallis
> Sent: 20 April 2009 14:48
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: RE: [U2] UV to SAP migration disaster
> It's yet another story that makes people who know and understand the
> multivalue database model cringe. Often one of the reasons for migrating
> seems to be due to decisions being made upstairs by people who have not
> bothered to consult the people with the knowledge to inform of the
> technical realities and work involved in such a major change. 
> I have noticed over the years that SAP has been very heavily marketed.
> There is usually a reason for a product needing to be advertised ;-).
> Just because a product has massive marketing muscle behind it doesn't
> mean it's the bee's knees. I'm sure this story won't be the last
> expensive disaster!
> Glenn Sallis
> Software Developer
> Flextronics Logistics B.V
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