Hi Tony,

If you are unfamiliar with Code Coverage, this may help:

Does this identify where variables are used? No

Variables that aren't used? No, not directly. Although, you may find
some as a result of below

When they are changed? No

Why they mean? No?

How data moves from one program to another? No

When statements are executed? Yes. This is the purpose of Statement
level code coverage. Essentially, it is like the profiling option
UniData provides, but at a statement level, not at a called subroutine

What statements cannot be executed?  If you replace 'cannot' with
'have not', then yes.

I hope it makes more sense now,


I've read your blog notes and anything else I can find but I have
no idea what this does.  Could you please define the term
"coverage" in this context?

Does this identify where variables are used?
Variables that aren't used?
When they are changed?
Why they mean?
How data moves from one program to another?
When statements are executed?
What statements cannot be executed?

I have written many parsers and pseudo compilers and code
interpreters - but I'm sorry I just don't understand what this
one does.  :)


>* From: Dan McGrath*>* For those that are interested, I have setup a project 
>*>* on SourceForge for a Statement Level Code Coverage *>* Tool for UniBasic. 
>It is based on the prototype for a *>* similar tool we now use at my current 
>employer.*>* *>* Although this version is incomplete, it still enables *>* 
>statement level coverage for multiple *>* programs/subroutine with html 
>output. The "parser" (I *>* really shouldn't use that term) is still quite *>* 
>primitive in this version and may not work with how *>* some programs are 

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