Thanks Tony and Peter,

but I don't think yet another piece of software is what I need.
Your product might be useful for some of your clients, but I don't think
it will help solve my problem.
I don't want to update any MV files, just load some data into a
relational database every night, preferably as cubes.
Setting the MV files up as SQL tables is not a problem in UD either.
I've already done that and have a reasonably easy to use tool for that
in Avante.
I've even written Basic code to flatten a file with large multivalues
because DTS UniSQL in UD 5.2 can't handle them properly.
This is all trivial stuff.
All I want is a cheap ETL tool that works with UD 5.2, so I can build a
datawarehouse in Oracle and write reports using Cognos.
I have to use Oracle and Cognos, I don't have any say in that matter.
Currently I use SQL Server 2000 and DTS. It works, but it uses ODBC and
is not an ETL tool and produces only SS 2000 tables!
I could of course use DTS and ODBC to bring the data first from UD to SS
2000 and then use SSIS to build my datawarehouse in Oracle, but do I
really want to do this?
Well and later on I'll have to do the export of data from UD to the new
Oracle based ERP package.
I'll sure as hell will need a good ETL tool for that.
This will require proper mapping into numerous Oracle tables and on
D-day needs to bring everything over on a weekend.

I had hoped with SSIS I had found just such a tool, if I could just get
those blasted string literals from the database connection, whatever
they are!


Tony Gravagno wrote:
>> From: Gerd Forthmann
>> I don't think it is an ODBC problem since SSIS 
>> connection managers unlike DTS don't use ODBC. They 
>> use OLEDB and connect even without the IBM U2 ODBC 
>> driver installed.
> In response to concerns expressed here and in all other posts
> like this, I've written a blog that describes a better approach,
> and a successful solution that implements the approach.
> See "SQL Server and MV - Part 1" published today in my blog.
>> If anybody has any suggestions how to use UniObjects 
>> with SSIS I would give that a try immediately.
> Since you asked: Contact me about mv.SSIS, which is a development
> component for SQL Server Integration Services.  It's a super-set
> of mv.NET, and uses UniObjects _or_ UO.NET for transport with U2.
> This helps to avoid all of the problems documented in this
> thread.
>> Easiest would of course be to upgrade to UD 7.2 but 
>> unfortunately I haven't been able to convince 
>> management to approve that.
> Not required with any of the solutions provided above.
>>> From: "Brutzman, Bill"
>>> This problem resembles my recent problem with ODBC 
>>> between HP-Ux and MS-SQL.  Tech Support at Rocket 
>>> indicated that I would probably have to buy special 
>>> (ODBC) drivers from companies that specialize in data 
>>> integration because... ODBC is a Microsoft thing and 
>>> this sort of connectivity is not bundled with most 
>>> (maybe any) flavors of Unix.
>>> Rocket agreed that using UniObjects would be an easier 
>>> alternative.
> The approach which I've documented would be exactly the same for
> all of these problems.  Approach the problem properly and you
> won't need to worry about the tools.
> Tony Gravagno
> Nebula Research and Development
> TG@
> Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products
> worldwide, and provides related development services
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