> From: Mecki Foerthmann
> Thanks Tony and Peter,
> but I don't think yet another piece of software is 
> what I need. Your product might be useful for some of 
> your clients, but I don't think it will help solve my 
> problem.

That's funny.  I don't have an application and there is no real
way to categorize our clients, except that they're mostly MV
developers who had a problem to solve.  Many of our clients have
come from this forum.

I think you're missing the point of the blog.  It wasn't to sell
a product (that one isn't ready yet anyway) but to explain how
I'm able to create a wide range of solutions based on the way I
approach problems.  If you continue to think of each problem you
present here as a nail, the only solutions you're going to
consider are the ones that look like a hammer.  Think differently
and you won't need to buy other people's solutions, you can
probably come up with your own.  (That said, the tools I've
chosen help me to do what I do, and because I'm happy with those
tools I've chosen to sell them too.)

> I don't want to update any MV files, just 
> load some data into a relational database every night, 
> preferably as cubes. Setting the MV files up as SQL 
> tables is not a problem in UD either. I've already 
> done that and have a reasonably easy to use tool for 
> that in Avante.

The point of my blogs is that you don't need to do that, and
FWIW, this forum is frequented by people who have had problems
doing that.  So I discourage the approach.

> I've even written Basic code to 
> flatten a file with large multivalues because DTS 
> UniSQL in UD 5.2 can't handle them properly.

And you don't need to flatten files either.  :)

> This is all trivial stuff. All I want is a cheap ETL 
> tool that works with UD 5.2, so I can build a 
> datawarehouse in Oracle and write reports using Cognos.

mv.NET Solution Objects (one of the libraries in the package and
not currently used in the solution described in the blog) allows
you to create strongly typed classes for any application.  You
can use these with other applications that can make use of
business rules via an Object Relational Model (ORM).  So the
external environment doesn't see Accounts or Files or Dicts, it
seems a Customer class and properties that you've chosen to share
with specific environments, like Name and City.

My approach would be to create an SDK for Avante (ManFact,
Dataflo, CUBS, Datatel, SHIMS, or any MV application), then
create an interface for your external database of choice, then
create a bridge between them.

Again (refer to my blog) note that the approach here isn't to
connect X to Y but to get interfaces for X and Y and then connect
them in the middle.  Then you can use your X and Y interfaces
with any other project.  If you connect X directly to Y now,
you'll be here next month asking about W and Z.

> I have to use 
> Oracle and Cognos, I don't have any say in that 
> matter.

That's fine, so ETL your data to Oracle as I've described, then
use Cognos against that if you wish.  What's the problem?

> Currently I use SQL Server 2000 and DTS. It 
> works, but it uses ODBC and is not an ETL tool and 
> produces only SS 2000 tables! I could of course use 
> DTS and ODBC to bring the data first from UD to SS 
> 2000 and then use SSIS to build my datawarehouse in 
> Oracle, but do I really want to do this?

No, you're smashing everything with a hammer.  Pull your data
from Unidata into Oracle and then work directly from there.  Why
involve SQL Server at all?

OK, here's a completely different approach.  Use MV BASIC to
generate Oracle-specific SQL queries into an OS file.  Loop on
your data, wherever the files are, and populate a query template
for each row of relational data.  Then move those files manually
or automatically to the other environment and execute the queries
to insert new data into Oracle.  This approach requires no
connectivity, no MV interfaces, no data modification - and it's
completely free and you can do it yourself.  This still follows
my guideline of not attempting to do things directly.

> Well and later on I'll have to do the export of data 
> from UD to the new Oracle based ERP package. I'll sure 
> as hell will need a good ETL tool for that. This will 
> require proper mapping into numerous Oracle tables and 
> on D-day needs to bring everything over on a weekend.
> I had hoped with SSIS I had found just such a tool, if 
> I could just get those blasted string literals from 
> the database connection, whatever they are!
> Mecki

All I can summarize with is that you asked for a way to get your
data out with UniObjects, I proposed a plan for both a free and a
product-based solution, and you said no.

We've had many exchanges in these forums Mecki, and I have a lot
of respect for you, no "buts" about it.  My remaining comments
refer to a more general "you".

Here's another common issue in this forum: People express a
desire for a solution but what they really want is a free
solution that they can use, understand, and maintain on their
own.  I'm sorry but when you're faced with complex issues, be
prepared for solutions that you may not understand, and be
prepared to pay for solutions or consulting time from people who
understand how to solve the problems you express.  You (all U2 IT
people) are getting paid for your expertise by a company that is
obviously spending lots of money on the IT infrastructure.  By
insisting you need everything for free and on your own terms
you're just perpetuating the belief of your management that you
don't need a budget while everyone else in the company apparently
does - and they get it.  MV development is cheap and easy.  But
when you need to interface with the outside world, you're not
doing MV development any more and you need to face the same
budgetary and educational concerns as anyone else who works with
the same technologies.

I just think MV people in general need to stop thinking that
somehow they're going to magically understand everything when
everyone else needs to go to school, and that BASIC will solve
every problem.  These beliefs are self-defeating for this entire

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
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