
As OP suggested, the FT program can be used from the command line. 

To run from within another program, use the FTX subroutine.

Example program:

* open and read data to be transfered into ITEM variable.

MODE  = 'S,K'  ;* Send from server to PC using Kermit protocol.
FNAME = 'XYZ'  ;* Filename on PC.
PATH  = 'c:\transfer\'  ;* aka Windows folder.
STAT  = ''     ;* Will be set if error occurs.
CALL FTX(MODE, '', FNAME, PATH, ITEM, '', '', '', '', '', '', STAT)
This will send the data in ITEM to the PC with a file name of XYZ in the 
c:\transfer directory/folder.
The PC directory must exist.
The following will start the WORDPAD program and display the file. 
PRINT CHAR(27): CHAR(2): '>wordpad.exe ': PATH: FNAME
By changing the mode, you can read the data back into the server and save it, 
Some of this is from memory so there is no guarantee.
See for more info.
Contact Peter Schellenbach, he's been very helpful to me.
Good luck, Don Robinson
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