I'd like to also suggest nSQL and mvSQL
Why not say SQL ?  And then add n for nested or mv for  multi-value
And we can just say "this is our BRAND of SQL" it's SQL with added  
In a message dated 3/24/2010 7:30:47 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
ron_hutchi...@hotmail.com writes:

As  much as we can't seem to get away from referring to TCL, how about 
MVTCL or  mvTCL!

> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 03:16:06 -0400
> From:  jcan...@optonline.net
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
>  Subject: Re: [U2] Pick Pocket Guide
> My bad on the mid-cap  drop; sorry.
> For TCL/ECL, maybe mvCommand or  mvControl?
> I didn't say it will be easy or even worthwhile  for the experts; but, I
> think it must help in some way to be known as  the gurus in this market
> (better billable rates, makes you more  desirable as a consultant, etc.). 
> there are five authors (for  five platforms) and they each write 20% of 
> book and that book has  the potential of selling 5 times more (for five
> platforms instead of  one), essentially, you are producing a book for 1/5 
> the cost.   I know we can really work these numbers so in the end it will
> cost  nothing to write [like the days we work in a year].  I know it's  
> a tough sell, but, maybe even include some ad-supported areas  within the
> book (as long as it doesn't compromise objectivity  concerning the
> platforms).  I think the major platform vendors  should also contribute to
> get this done as it directly benefits them  the most.
> Recently, I have moved away from the MultiValue  market [not by choice].  
> must say that I'd have a difficult  time in getting any 'buy-in' though on
> what I still consider an  incredibly powerful database due to almost a
> complete lack of  visibility.  How do you promote a technology that hasn't
> had a  book based on it in quite a long time?  If the platform vendors,  
> and integration companies, etc. still believe that they have a  good 
story to
> tell, it's time to ante up and place your bets  already.
> Regards,
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From:  u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
>  [mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Clifton  
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:19 AM
> To: U2 Users  List
> Subject: Re: [U2] Pick Pocket Guide
> Well, the  terminology issue is something we (Spectrum magazine in
> particular)  can promote since we are already committed to promoting the 
>  MultiValue (note the mid-cap casing) and the MultiValue Logo. We just  
> such terms to our Style and Usage Guide and use them in the  magazine.
> Side note: Is there any interest in us having our  Style and Usage Guide
> available online?
> I'm interested in hearing what folks would find an acceptable term  for
> TCL/ECL/etc.
> As to the idea of of a generic book,  groups of experts, etc., that sounds
> like a fame and glory no profit  Open Source kind of thing. A lot of the
> experts you might want to  attract are dudes and dudettes trying to make a
> living. That goes back  to some of Tony's comments. How could that be made
> worthwhile for said  experts to forgo revenue producing time to produce a
> non-profit  book?
> Considering some other Open Source documentation  efforts, I'm not saying 
> can't be done. I'm just challenging  everyone to present detailed ideas 
> how it could be made to  work.
> Regards,
> Clif
> On Mar 23, 2010, at 6:09 PM, James Canale, Jr.  wrote:
> > I think it would be great do something like  this.
> > 
> > Multivalue Query [mvQuery]
> >  Multivalue Basic [mvBasic]
> > Multivalue PROC  [mvPROC]
>  > 
> > I also think it would be great if someone could write a  piece of a book
> that
> > is very generic (keep it at a 20,000  foot view) which covers each major
> > topic area.  Once  complete, a group of experts-at-large in the various
> > flavors add  platform specific details.  When complete, one or more of 
>  > know-it-alls [like some of the gurus on this list] combine the  common
> parts,
> > while leaving the unique areas in  place.  Basically, a wiki to book
> > transformation.  Many  of the books sold today have two, three, and even
> more
> >  authors (especially the technically oriented books).  Something like  
> > could reduce the work required (just doing a piece of the  whole) and
> > increase the potential market (supports most  platforms) for sales.  I 
> a
> > lot of talent on this  list that can pull something like this off, it 
> > needs a great  leader (and I see many of them here too).
> > 
> >  Regards,
> > 
> > Jim
> > 
> > 
>  > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:  u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
> >  [mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Clifton  
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:39 PM
> > To: U2  Users List
> > Subject: Re: [U2] Pick Pocket Guide
> >  
> > In Spectrum magazine, we use the term MultiValue Basic to talk  about 
> > programming language in articles that are not platform  specific. I put 
> in
> > the style and usage guide for just  the reasons being brought up here. I
> > don't see any reason not to  add other MultiValue generic terms. 
> > Query comes to  mind. I'm open to suggestions about that and other 
> > Post  them here, or if you'd rather not, just send them to me at
> >  edi...@intl-spectrum.com (or my regular e-mail address).
> > 
>  > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Clif
> >  
> > -- 
> > Clifton Oliver, Managing Editor
> >  International Spectrum Magazine
> > Spectrum Tel: +1 720 259  1356
> > Clif's Direct Tel: +1 619 460 5678
> > 
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