On 23/06/10 00:12, Steve McConnell wrote:
> Mainly, I've tested with Putty and an emulator called Costar.  The
> problem we see is that the ssh server can be configured to kick off
> a .bat file. In the .bat file we configure it to run commands like
> this:
> Cd \ibm\uv Bin\uv.exe (or bin\uvsh.exe)
> This will log us into the UV account.  Once we are in there,
> terminal emulation for simple universe commands like HELP don't work
> (regardless of term type, vt100, console, adds, etc).  Our software
> uses commands like PTERM CRMODE, which doesn't work.

Hmmmm. Dunno if you can do this, but the first thing to do is to check
that emulator and UV are both using the same emulation. You've hopefully
already done this, but go in to the emulator and check what it's set to,
and do a TERM in UV to make sure that's the same.
> I don't think the issue is actually ssh.  On a windows universe
> server, just opening up a cmd.exe window and running the above
> commands duplicates the problem.
That makes it sound like that is the problem. I don't know what
emulation cmd does, but I've had that problem.

What I'd do is simple. Set TERM to a type you know works elsewhere. Set
your emulator to raw so it displays all the characters it receives. And
then write a basic program to spit out various @(-x) sequences so you
can check what's actually being sent. Because it sounds like either (a)
you've got a mismatch between the emulation on UV and your terminal
prog, or (b) (nasty), ssh is stripping escape sequences as it passes
stuff through.

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