> From: Donald Verhagen
> Does anyone know if you can hook/link a .NET dll (Managed 
> code) into Unidata 7.1.9 (Windows).  
> I was hoping to update the VertexDriver.DLL (Currently 
> COM/_cdecl) to a .Net dll. I really hate writing c code.

Don - This isn't rocket science (pun intended).  Google for "call
..net from com" and related keywords "regasm" and "Make Assembly
COM Visible".

I should also mention that mv.NET also has the capability to
trigger .NET code events from the MV DBMS, though it's not as
fast as linked DLLs.  In full disclosure, my company is a
worldwide distributor for this product, so consider this
paragraph an AD.

Speaking of web services, I've written a few articles in my blog
recently (link below), about automatic generation of fully
functional Web Services against common BASIC code.  I dunno if
any of that matches your plans.


Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
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