WELL -- I guess I could go the 3rd Party Product route -- but come on!
EVERY database product can do what I'm asking.  It's not rocket science or
anything! (pun unintended!)  I could just write BASIC code if I wanted - I'm
trying to find what I'm thinking should already be 'inside' of UniData.  If
the answer is 'it is not there' then I will be forced to ask if someone from
Rocket can address 'why not'??

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Schasny
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 1:25 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] INPUTIF statement in Universe {Unclassified}

Cedarville Download

David Wolverton wrote:
> UniData 7.1.9 ---  Using 
> list filename field-a field-b TO DELIM "|" c:\Test.txt
> Works and generates a "Pipe Delimited" text file... (I have to use
> 'lowercase LIST' so that it does work due to ECLTYPE, but that's OK)
> BUT -- I need the resulting file to be tab-delimited - the 'consumer' for
> the file is a stupid old program and cannot accept XML. It can only eat
> or comma delimited files.  And since some of the data CONTAINS commas, the
> TAB seems to be the better choice.  
> Using TO DELIM "^009" will not work that I can see. And I think in this
> and age, having to write a program to generate this simple of a file seems
> bit over the top!!
> The other choice - building a dictionary called "tab" -- but I need to
> extract about 40 fields for this issue, so I was hoping to NOT have to
> a 'hard coded' dictionary that was itself just a CHAR(9) so that my
> line does not have 'tab' as every other word and get near the 'max length'
> along the way! That is, I didn't think I should have to do this:
> list CLIENT.MASTER field-a tab field-b tab field-c TO c:\test.txt
> I mean, tab delimited file. How routine is that?? Why would I have to
> a 'fake dictionary' to handle that?  Am I missing something?
> How do others deal with this issue?  Or is the 'fake dictionary' the
> of the art' methodology today??
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Jeff Schasny - Denver, Co, USA
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