Hi Tony et al

There's a simple reason why there aren't new books on this - it's very hard

Creating any meaningful text on a system that is as wide and flexible as U2
takes many months of effort. In the three books I've written I've only
scratched the surface. And given the size of the market, I can promise you -
it's for love, not money ... <grin>.

In my case it was partly a response to the fact that I can't offer U2
training in the UK any more - the exclusive agreements over here have
blocked off that market - and because I've always enjoyed writing anyway.
It's just not a commercial prospect.

Incidentally, I *have* started revising my books, starting with the (free)
guide to writing your first application, to cover UniData (they are all
UniVerse based currently), to include some of the newer features and where
to get stuff, and the newest Visual Studio for the client side stuff - now
that Universe 11.1 is finally out. No doubt that will take a few months

As to the books vs blogs question - they both have a place and they both
offer different things. I have a shelf full of Microsoft books to build my
understanding, but I still use CodeProject for specifics and even MSDN when
all else fails.

And Rocket *have* started to step up to the plate on this. The new developer
zone looks like it is a good springboard.  


-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: 25 March 2011 20:14
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

> From: George Gallen
> Of course there is also the financial gain from the 
> status of being a published author.

George, toss that one by anyone in this market who has published
a book, and see how far it flies.  Jon?  Matt?  Steve?  Harvey?
Malcolm?  (Most people here are saying "who?")  These days the
blog is the new book (many of us blog books-worth of material
each year) but that doesn't seem to be the marketing venue that
most people would think either.  Brian could comment on all of
that too.

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