> From: FFT2001
> Which brings up an interesting point. Why were there 
> so many books on Pick published in the 80s, up until 
> about 1995 and then... silence ?  Has everything been 
> said?

It has nothing to do with the technical aspects of the platform,
nor enthusiasm within our community.  It's all about economics.
There are at least two primary reasons why there aren't any new
Pick books.

One is called the internet.  Those of us who like to write can't
sell books anymore because too many people expect information to
be online and free.

Related, there isn't a critical mass of potential buyers to
balance the income potential with the cost of writing and
publishing a book.  Without getting into the math of balancing
investment vs income and the consumer price for a book, it's just
not worth it for someone in the Pick market, nor a publisher, to
publish a book for the Pick market itself, or even for the
outside world.

See my blog from a few years ago entitled "Why aren't there more
MV books?"
I've worked on books for major publishers and I'm here to tell
you that it's tough to justify a book for the mainstream market,
let alone a niche market like Pick.
remove.thisNebula-RnD.com/articles/ (some books I've worked on)
I know someone will say "self publish through lulu.com!"  My
point above still applies about critical mass and math.

I'm not saying people shouldn't write books, and I wish we had
more too.  I'm just saying we need to figure out a way to allow
people who can write to do so without losing their homes.  Fix
that problem and we'll see a Lot more content.


Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products
worldwide, and provides related development services
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