> From: Steve Romanow
> Real IDE's are necessary for some projects like java 
> and (also java, Droid) development since it helps with 
> packaging and whatnot.  That really doesnt seem 
> necessary for an mv app.
> I'll stick to my old school vim, mercurial, and ssh.

I remember Linux guys saying the same thing about 12 years ago,
but these days they're using IDEs with build and version control,
code completion, inline help, refactoring, and everything else
expected in modern development.  Technically, no IDE is
"necessary" for any kind of development, whether Java, .NET, or
MV.  We can use NotePad and the command-line for any of them.
But an IDE is helpful - which is why companies create and charge
for them.

If you look at Visual Studio, it has an integrated database
explorer where you specify a connection string and it renders the
database in a tree along with stored procedures and all
associated metadata.  That integration allows the developer to
open and modify data, schema, code in one place, and to drag n
drop data into forms for instant control binding.  mv.NET does
something like this within VS but that component is more of an
add-in than true integration.  (Disclaimer, Nebula R&D is a
Distributor for mv.NET.)  Some months ago I wrote a database
explorer provider for VS so that I can see my MV environments in
that explorer, as first-class citizens right along with SQL
Server and Oracle.  I didn't publish anything about this because
it wasn't suitable for publication and I didn't port it to
VS2010, but maybe one of these days...  The point here is that
other environments have IDE integration because there is
perceived value - a .NET developer would never go to NotePad
after using Visual Studio, and Java developers wouldn't go back
to vi either.  I think MV people don't perceive value in MV/IDE
integration, in large part as a self defense mechanism because we
don't have the tools.  But I think when given the opportunity,
people would jump to true integration rather than having to
manually setup a VCS here, with schema maintenance done in a
separate SSH window there, and help from the PDF over there.

BTW, if you've ever seen mvToolbox (no affiliation) you'd get an
idea of what a REAL IDE for MV can be like.  That thing has
hundreds of features that every MV developer can use.  It's
simply amazing.


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