On 31/08/11 22:46, Doug Averch wrote:
> Program size means nothing today when I can run Eclipse on a Notebook, or a
> Mac, or a Windows machine.  Megabytes means nothing in today's world.  We
> use to worry that our udt or uv process took a 1/2mb.  We now take upwards
> of 10mb.  Buy more memory!

How? RAM is backing store now. CPUs have 1/2 or 1 meg cache, and its
rather expensive (that is, if it's possible) to buy more.

Spill over that, and your performance can take quite a hit.
> Let's try to show users and clients what we can do with NET clients, Web
> interfaces, iPhone's, Android Phone's and whatever.  That is more impressive
> than comparing how much memory Eclipse takes to run.

More impressive it may be. But why waste resource unnecessarily,
especially if it has a noticeable impact (yes I know, computers are now
*often* too fast to notice a bit of speed difference. But not always.)

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