How does my company save money if they have to buy and pay an annual license fee for an editor? They might as well ban going to the toilet or making and drinking coffee during working hours. I probably could be even more productive if the company would pay ME more and not you.

I can understand that it must be frustrating for you having spent a lot of time developing a piece of software that nobody wants to buy. But threatening that we will all loose our jobs and be replaced by 25 year old kids with no clue if we don't convince our boss to buy your tool won't change that.
Writing code is time wise the least of my daily tasks.
And I guess like me most of us here are analysts first and coders last.


On 01/09/2011 02:18, Doug Averch wrote:
Eclipse runs as client software. You have plenty of disk space on your
workstation.  Your workstation CPU is barely registering when you are using
any Eclipse based software.

If you don't want to use a tool that will save your company money, too bad
for you but your boss does.  If you are worried about your client machine
that cost nothing compared to what an unproductive programmer wastes using
antiquated tools, you may not have a job next year.

Do you think any twenty-five year old programmer would be caught dead with
line editor like AE, ED, VIM, EMACS, Notepad+, or whatever?

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