Hi Mecki:

Obviously, I'm passionate about tools.  Before 2004, the only thing I could
use was a line by line editor or full screen editors for Unix or full screen
editors for Windows.  Neither of those are viable options after spending
years in Microsoft tools with code completion, syntax verification, source
code control, and many more features.

Eclipse, although bulky when compared to single editors, is not that big
when compared to IDE's.  I can do code searches without using ESEARCH.  I
can do code compares within Eclipse without using windows utilities.  I have
unlimited copies of all of the program changes I've made in my local history
of Eclipse. I can right click on a file and see the entire dictionary in a
grid that I can edit.  I'm more productive without going to telnet to check
or find out information that those non-IDE's make me do.

There are no black and white arguments that would make you change and I know
that.  See this article:

Good Luck,
"Tools for the passionate programmers"

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 5:49 AM, Mecki Foerthmann <mec...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Doug,
> Your scenario may work for the classical programmer who just types in code
> that somebody else has written on paper all day, but who actually does this
> these days?
> Certainly not me!
> And it is not the number of lines of code you can type in a certain amount
> of time, it is the quality of the code and even more the logic that counts.
> So unless your expensive tool can improve that, I wouldn't waste money on
> it!
> And your story about CEOs of fortune 1000 companies being interested in the
> editor you use to write code?
> You can tell that to somebody who puts on a hat with a hammer but not me.
> Mecki
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