You work for Rocket.
There are 20 U2 people there, and only 2 have "heard" of U2UG.
Words fail me.
I'm not sure if I should be just amazed or righteously angry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel McGrath <>
To: U2 Users List <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 9, 2012 9:12 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Calling U2UG Members

Hi Brian/U2UG,
Now that I work for Rocket, I'm not sure if I should still vote. Thoughts?
If I can, I'd like to reiterate the questions I posed this time last year 
 do vote.
" Hi all,
I've posted an open letter regarding the U2UG elections to the nominees. I'd
ove to see more dialogue around these elections as I feel I don't really
now what I'm voting for when I place my votes.
Along with this, I also wonder how many people on this list are members of
he U2UG and how many actually vote? I've never seen any numbers. I know I'm
ne of two out of the roughly 20 U2 people at my work who know of the U2UG
nd am the only member. Not the greatest odds. On the positive side, it
eaves a lot of room to expand. :)

----Original Message-----
n Behalf Of Brian Leach
ent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 3:56 AM
o: 'U2 Users List'
ubject: [U2] Calling U2UG Members
To those of you who are U2UG members (and if not, why not?) - a reminder that 
he elections for the 2012-13 board are under way. If you didn't receive an 
mail about this, please (please) check your profile on the website - I've had a 
ot of bounces because email addresses are out of date.
All U2UG members are eligible to vote, just cast your vote by logging in at: and selecting the U2UG Elections link between now and next 
If you don't see the link, you haven't confirmed your registration.
Why does this matter?

he U2UG is the recognized body for representing all users of U2 products - 
hether end users, developers or ISVs. The board meets fortnightly with Rocket 
o discuss concerns and future plans for U2 and to represent the views of the 
hole user community. 

Thanks all,
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