On 09/03/12 17:12, Daniel McGrath wrote:
> Hi Brian/U2UG,
> Now that I work for Rocket, I'm not sure if I should still vote. Thoughts?

When we set up the U2UG, that was one of the things we discussed. And
seeing as you are eligible to stand in the elections, it would be a bit
of a poor show if you couldn't vote!

If you hunt up the constitution, it demands "full disclosure" if you
work for a MultiValue vendor. That's all.

If you wanted to stand for the committee, so long as you put "I am a
Rocket employee, and Rocket own U2" on your manifesto, that's fine. I
can't speak for the current committee, but when I was on it we had
several IBM as it was then people speak at meetings, and we would have
been only too happy to have an IBM person elected on to it. Never
happened ...

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