As a vendor, I have kept out of this, having a vested interest.

Nearly 30 years ago, we did an intellectual property swap with the then
owners of MANFACT, and have continued developing and supplying our product
since.  We call it Beacon for Business.

We believe the income we enjoy from our customers comes with responsibility
for supplying:

-        warranty (fixing any bugs)

-        answering questions

-        supply of continued enhancements

Enhancements include about 1,000 changes per year including:

-        VB .Net user interface
-        parameter-driven data entry, reports, forms and queries

-        upgrades driven from user wish-lists, eg barcodes

-        latest is integration with online shop floor machine monitoring
and management

If Epicor have taken over MANFACT, without taking on the responsibilities,
there is no advantage to be gained by staying with them.  Such a pity!

Kate Stanton
Walstan Systems Ltd
4 Kelmarna Ave, Herne Bay, Auckland 1011, New Zealand
Phone: + 64 9 360 5310  Mobile: + 64 21 400 486
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